Our Vintage tiles are hand spackled with select colors to simulate moss and lichen growth, creating an attention-grabbing look.
Swirl Brush
Hand brushed with a swirl motion to give each tile a slightly different look from the next.
Straight Brush
Straight brushed option gives added texture to any style.
Our Cobblestone option has a dimpled texture that accurately replicates the real look of quarried stone.
Signature Slate
Signature Slate takes out the divider line in the center of Legendary Slate, giving it a true-wide slate look.
Straight factory-finished look, no added options.
Trim Options
Gable Options
90° Tile Rakes
Clean traditional tile look and feel - 'L' shaped.
Oval Tile Rakes
Traditional Mediterranean look with a more rounded 'C' shape.
Metal Rakes
Rake metal used in place of a gable tile. Creates a true shake or slate look.
Hip Options
45° Hip
Traditional shake or slate look.
Oval Hip
Traditional Spanish or Mediterranean hip look.
Hip Starter
First tile on a hip run for slate and shake styles.
Oval Hip Starter
First tile on a hip run for Sierra Mission and European styles.
Ridge Options
45° Ridge
Slate and shake look for a 3/12 to a 10/12 pitch.
Oval Ridge
Sierra Mission and Mediterranean look.
Steep Ridge
Shake and slate look for above 11/12 pitch.
Bell Ridge
Bell ridges create a unique English coping tile look.